Virginia Chevalier
Ancienne Danseuse professionnelle :
- L'Opéra National de Vienne
- Ballet National du Portugal
- Royal Ballet des Flandres
- Ballet National de Bordeaux
- Théâtre de Mönchengladbach et Krefeld
Diplômée d'état de professeur de danse classique au CAFEDANSE à Aix-en-Provence
My Leitmotif
" When we want we can !"
Anything is possible if you invest 100% in what you love and what you want to achieve.
My deep mission
Accompany young dancers to realize their dream and not get demotivated at the first obstacle.
May they keep their primary objective in view and blossom fully to obtain the fulfillment of their dream.
Transmit to them all the knowledge acquired over 20 years of experience.
My professional background has allowed me to work with many teachers and choreographers who have considerably enriched my experience .
Having danced several years at the National Ballet of Vienna , at the National Ballet of Portugal , at the Royal Ballet of Flanders and at the National Ballet of Bordeaux , I benefited from a complete learning of very varied techniques.
My professional career has given me the opportunity to work with the great ballets of the classical repertoire as well as with many choreographers, which has considerably enriched my experience and my vision such as :
Renato Zanella, Jiri Kylian, Mehmet Balkan, Robert Denver and Heidrun Schwaarz and numerous interpretations by George Balanchine, Hans Van Manen, Jiri Kylian and Heinz Spoerli.
Also like most dancers, I have been the subject of many injuries , to the feet, hips and knees during my career. But luckily I had the opportunity to learn therapeutic techniques and muscle strengthening that allowed me to heal quickly and avoid recurrences.
Unfortunately an injury without return to the back was fatal to me after 10 years of career. So I decided to learn techniques to keep the spine healthy, through specific flexibility exercises and exercises to strengthen the deep muscles of the back.
I would have liked to know all these techniques during my dance training.
And that's why I created Danse Performance .
My years of acquired experience allowed me to create an accompaniment based on the acquisition of a high-level sports mentality and the learning of exercises to preserve his body from injuries.
Of course, I complete this training with professional techniques that are very rarely addressed by schools today.